A first for Scottish Water's Alliance Partners. Lunchtime Technical Seminar Collaboration.
Glenfield Valves Ltd and AVK UK have supplied products to Scottish Water and its former authorities for over 166 years.
As a UK manufacturer of valves and fittings and part of the SR15 framework supply chain to Scottish Water, we have a responsibility of not only supplying product but also actively supporting customers in what can sometimes be complex product applications. It is therefore vital that the engineers whose task it is to design a new plant and help maintain existing assets in order to extend service life, are fully supported by experience and knowledge from the supply chain.
AVK’s Wilson McPhail, Business Manager for Scotland and Stuart Montgomery, Project Manager, recently attended a site at Stepps for a lunchtime seminar with ESD and amey-Black & Veatch. This being the first time that both JV Alliances have collaborated for such a training session.
Lunchtime technical seminars are an ideal environment where comprehensive and expert support can be given. The informal training seminar was well received and lots of questions asked, resulting in fruitful discussions with the 12 attendees. Starting with a overview of AVK UK and worldwide manufacturing capabilities, followed by a an insight into innovation and product selection.
Additionally focus was on the existing support that AVK UK/Glenfield give Scottish Water in terms of refurbishment of existing valves and penstocks, site services and also support required on product that had been in service for well over 50 years. Sometimes it makes sense to have the product refurbished as opposed to supplying new product. The Glenfield works at Kilmarnock have the full capability to completely refurbish any size or type of valve.
Glenfield were recently awarded E&M Framework Supplier status for valves with Scottish Water which covers inspections, surveys and refurbishment of existing valves and ancillary products. Pictures show the works and some examples of returned valves for refurbishment. These valves will soon be returned to site for another term. The fact that these valves can be repaired and restored to their original state, is truly a reflection of the quality of the products.
If you need support or advice on your project, valve selection or refurbishment, please contact:
Stuart Montgomery, Water Projects Sales Manager
E: stmo@avuk.co.uk, M: +44 (0) 7876 798775
Wilson Mcphail, Business Manager Scotland
E: wimc@avkuk.co.uk, M: +44 (0) 7515 576658

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