Donkin Soft Seal Gate Valves
Donkin Series 555 Gate Valves for Gas - small and large diameter plus accessories

Slide and Knife Gate Valves
Series 158 Under Pressure Drilling Valves, Series 777 Baurer Valves and CL Slide Valves

Donkin Coke Oven Gas Valves
Donkin Gas Valves - Series 561, 562, 661 and 662

AVK Assist
An intelligent app that help engineers specify and track key assets in the network.

Ball Valves
Clear Bore PE Ball Valves, Ductile Iron - Flanged, PE Tailed and Screwed Ends, Steel - Flanged Ends

Butterfly Valves
Bio Gas Butterfly Valves

Emergency Flow Valves
Extensive range of emergency flow valves (EFV's) - can be fitted in side pipe or electrofusion fitting

Repair and Tapping
Repair clamps, Under Pressure Tees - stainless steel, ductile iron and mild steel and Hot Tap Weld-on Tees

Coupling and Adaptors
Transition couplings with PE Tail, end caps and Flange Adaptors

Meter Box Fittings, Factory Entry Elbows, Below Ground Fittings and House Entry Tees

Donkin Crimp Tool Set
Donkin Series 456 Crimp Tool Kit For crimping 20mm, 25mm & 32mm PE 80 service pipe

Gate Valve Accessories
Hand Wheels, Position Indicator, Downpipe Adaptor, False Caps and Anti-tamper Device
Please contact AVK UK if you cannot find the products your are looking for
T: +44 (0) 1246 479100 E: gasenquiries@avkuk.co.uk