Smart Solution to River pollution using air valves with sensors that raise the alarm

Smart Solution for River Pollution

AVK Smart Wastewater solutions for new National Overflows Plan 06-07-2023

A “massive transformation” programme costing £10bn over the next five years was announced by Water UK in the wake of mounting public anger over sewage discharges into rivers.

National Overflows Plan, (Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan)

The new National Overflows Plan, (Storm Overflows Discharge Reduction Plan), would be the largest modernisation of sewers since the Victorian era and the most ambitious programme on sewage spills in the world, according to the UK water industry membership body.

The plan aims to cut overflow incidents by 140,000 a year by the end of the decade through a wide range of strategies, with the digitalisation of the UK’s 350,000-mile sewer system a vital pathway to achieving this goal.

AVK Smart Wastewater Air Valves Alert Overflow Spills

As an industry-leading provider of intelligent network solutions for the wastewater industry, AVK UK is ideally placed to support companies to meet the targets set out in the National Overflows Plan.

AVK UK has the technology and expertise to address one of the plan’s primary components: real-time monitoring of all 15,000 sewage overflows in England.

AVK Smart Wastewater air valves and digital monitoring systems, including VIDI Level, can provide the data required for the new National Environment Data Hub, as well as alert companies to overflow spills so they can be treated as quickly as possible, therefore reducing the impact on rivers.

Smart air valves providing data to the user to prevent River Pollution
Data from the smart air valve showing pressure within the air valve
Smart air valves raise alarm to river pollution situations and feed data back for immediate action

Images above show:

  • Main image: Showing pressure within the air valve which is variable, any flatline pressures provides an alarm.
  • Left: Data fed back from the valve reveals there is an alarm.
  • Right: Images of an air valve from the Ilkley case study which is linked below - take a minute to have a look and learn more about how Smart air valves avert potential sewage leak.

Anthony Whittam, AVK UK’s Smart Water Specialist, said:

“AVK has a full package of smart solutions to help control and warn against pollution incidents. The AVK Smart Wastewater air valve can detect failure and leakage before they occur as well as providing general system health information back to our clients. 
“Our ARIsense smart air valve solutions can provide feedback on parameters including overflow, leakage, blockage, pressure, tampering, tilt/shock, low battery, and with the addition of an external sensor, chamber flooding. With the communication protocols of NB-IoT and LoRa we can use existing networks and create new networks to ensure 100% coverage for sites, no matter where they are. 
“Our smart air valves have been deployed in remote locations where communication infrastructure may be limited and now manual inspections and downloads are a thing of the past. If any of the pre-set parameters are exceeded, email and text messages are sent to all interested parties. 
“We can offer instant alerts in a wide range of sequences and priorities and, with an open API, we can feed data direct to our customer’s management systems too – and all in line with their cyber-security protocols.”

For companies interested in AVK UK’s smart wastewater solutions, please get in touch with Anthony directly on the details shown above - call on the number shown or simply click the email to write to Anthony directly.

Case Study

Smart Air Valve Prevents Pollution

AVK ARIsense smart water air valve alerts Yorkshire Water operations team to avert potential sewage leak
Smart Water Management

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