Expect Quality in every step
WHY this promise is important
Quality is paramount! When it comes to valves, hydrants, fittings and accessories, our customers expect long-lasting solutions. They do not expect to replace them or ever see them again, once they are installed.
HOW we will strive to deliver this promise
AVK is unique when it comes to high-quality products. We are second to none when it comes to rubber compounds. We have our own research, vulcanization and coating facilities that enable us to deliver more durable products. Our products can withstand the harshest environmental conditions that call for the highest standards. But our quality guarantee will not end there.
We are so confident in our quality that we will not hesitate to go beyond the legal obligations and exceed market expectations by striving to offer customers a 10-year warranty on all of our products.
For AVK, quality is not limited to the product itself. It concerns the entire process, from the early specification to the implementation and after-sales. Quality is not the result of a single link in the chain – it is the sum of all steps. To deliver the best quality, we must aim at delivering in every step. Because the total quality is only as strong as the weakest link.