Protect Customer Interests for Today and Tomorrow
The AVK Series 36 PE tailed gate valve. Everything you expect from AVK, and a whole lot more when it comes to caring about our customers.
AVK's PE tailed gate valve is engineered to reduce potential leak paths. Because of it's quicker installation it is more cost-effective than equivalent flanged gate valves - it also requires a smaller trench footprint. All together reducing disruption to traffic, pedestrians and everyday activities generally and helps to create a water supply that takes account of customers’ needs.
When used with AVK Smart Water there’s even more potential to protect and meet the needs of your customers today, tomorrow and generations to come.
Customer service benefits are:
Less leakage more water security
No one likes water leaks. Water leaks disrupt service and cost money. And it’s the customers who eventually pay the cost. By installing AVK's gate vales with factory fitted and sealed PE-tailed pipes there aren't any potential leak paths. Full stop.
PE tailed gate valves significantly reduce the risk of leaks and non-revenue water loss, they enhance water security and help build resilient networks. These are sealed gate valves with no potential leak paths. Delivering network integrity and providing greater operational opportunity to increase water pressures as required to protect customers’ service levels.
Faster and more efficient to install
The UK Water Industry is under pressure to improve service and resolve network issues. AVK's PE tailed gate valve has less components than a flanged gate valve, there aren't any nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets, flanges or tape, which means it is faster to install. A timed trial was held at McCrae Training and AVK's gate valve was 40% faster to install that a flanged valve which all in all equates to service delivery improvements customers, communities and businesses.
The results speak for themselves.
Less societal disruption
All customers like a robust water network, and they don’t like the disruption that comes with building one.
Timed and videoed trials demonstrated that a team of two operatives can install 50% more AVK PE tailed gate valves in a day compared to flanged gate valves - keeping customers happy.
With a potential 50% improvement in productivity in ONE DAY, imagine what you could achieve in a week, month or year.
AVK Smart Water delivers better customer service
Avert potential loss of water network service, react faster to critical incidents, and reduce non revenue water by monitoring gate valves in real-time. Basically, with AVK Smart Water, your customers have a better service with minimised disruption to their water supply.