Investing in Value for a Long Term Future
AVK Series 36/89 PE tailed Gate Valves. Exactly what you expect from AVK and so much more to deliver long-term future value.
Engineered to future-proof your water network, an AVK PE Tailed Series 36 gate valve installation requires less stocked components meaning less admin and stock management, easier logistics and onsite efficiencies.
Combined with AVK Smart Water there’s even further potential to deliver significant long-term savings now, tomorrow and across the lifetime of your water network.
Look at the investment benefits:
A future-proofed investment
Compared to a flanged gate valve installation, the AVK Series 36 gate valve with factory fitted and sealed PE-tailed pipes presents no potential leak paths.
It does not need nuts, bolts, washers, flanges, gaskets or taping; the AVK Series 36 reduces non-revenue water, enhances water security and reinforces network resilience, creating a fully welded and future-proof pipeline for today and generations to come.
63% reduction in components
An installation only needs two electrofusion couplers. It does not require nuts, bolts, washers, gaskets, flange adapters or any kind of flange. Compared to an equivalent flanged gate valve installation this is a 63% reduction in stocked components (or SKU's - stock kept units) to give you simpler procurement, leaner stockholdings, faster stock picking and more efficient stock-to-site logistics.
These savings give you a more efficient, leaner and cost-effective operation.
50% improvement in productivity
It takes 57 minutes to install the PE tailed gate valve. It takes 95 minutes to install a flanged gate valve.
Question: Based on an installation team of two engineers with 450 minutes (7.5 hours) of productive time per working day, allowing for an average of 15 minutes between each installation to move to the next location, set up etc. How many valve installations can be completed by a team of engineers in a day?
Answer: 6 AVK PE-Tailed Gate Valves can be installed in a working day compared to 4 equivalent flanged gate valves. That’s a potential productivity gain of 50%.
How would this improvement impact on your productivity over a week, a year, or AMP8?
AVK Smart Water will help generate long-term savings
By being able to react faster to critical incidents through real-time monitoring, you can optimise gate valve performance, extend asset life and reduce costs associated with leakage. Use and share the data available now to help streamline and improve future pipeline operations.